الاثنين، 14 أكتوبر 2013

فضائح الفنانون

any person thirty five years or older who has recently walked past a group of middle school or high school girls has probably seen more waist and hip skin than they ever imagined on a 12 year old, more cleavage than they thought possible on a 15 year old, and more belly buttons than a Beyonce' video

The low waist jeans and the too short skirts are just two of the youth fashions that are being passed off as cool, but really aren't. The other really cruel teen fashion is the too short shorts. These are the gym shorts that people in their thirties used to wear with the drawstring tie in the front. Well, girls of today are turning over the tops of the shorts and pulling them up like a pair of stockings. Not only do these short shorts look ridiculous, they look impossibly uncomfortable. Yet, millions of girls are flipping down the waistbands of their shorts to look like the girl sitting next to them. Needless to say, the elastic waistband is really helpful for girls with larger bellies. The elastic band keeps the tummy in and makes the girl look slimmer. But, unfortunately, the girl who really wants to keep her elastic waistband in tact isn't doing so because she feels the pressure to fit in with all the girls who wear the turn down waist. It's cruel.

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